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� K.E.S., 2004 -->

Window at Night
2004-06-22 // 11:54 p.m.

A poem I wrote recently.

- Window at Night -

The bullet is lodged within me, sacredly stuck,
A little mole that festers, like the drip drip drip

Of gutter rain, relentless, and offering no sleep.
In truth, I almost welcome the tangled arrival of

Insomnia: the only friend who won�t betray.
Alone in the dark, it�s okay to let myself think,

To uncurl the fetus of my sins and stand naked,
To unearth a promise to let myself breathe again,

Take it out, hold it tenderly, pray for distant expiration.
It�s chilly tonight. The curtains rise and fall,

Ghost-like and sublime in their nonattachment.
I ask the wind to carry this burden, to acquiesce

Just long enough for homeostasis to settle in.
In this moment, I�d give my life to remember

How I dreamed the dreams of my childhood.
But the bodhisattvas of my youth are long forgotten,

And nature is not in a good mood tonight.
I close the window, lock it tight, and smirk

As the curtains regain their weight, fall in line
with the window, and sigh with sudden emptiness.

April 29, 2004

...Like I said - Moving on...

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