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� K.E.S., 2004 -->

welcome wagon to freedom
2004-06-26 // 10:43 p.m.

I had a great day today. I worked from 6am - 1pm and wow was it hectic. All sorts of things went wrong in the districts surrounding mine (thankfully, not in mine) and I had to run around everywhere to help. Good thing I'm quick with a map in areas that I don't know so well. Anyway, after work, I headed to Hartford for a meeting.

There, I met Drew, a 25-year-old English major at Eastern Connecticut State University. I've always liked the people I've met from Eastern - the school is about 15 minutes away from UConn, where I got my undergraduate degree and, since I was very active politically/socially and in charity/environmental movements in college, I got to know some excellent folks. Anyway, Drew is no exception. We talked for a while and exchanged e-mail addresses. I'll tell ya, it's been a while since it's just been me and another guy talking away, connecting on some sort of level other than "hey, how's it hangin'?" Usually, I connect with women far easier than men. He's a cool dude, though - quietly confident, comfortable in his own skin. I appreciate that in a person.

= = =

Tonight is my first night house-sitting. Man, have I been looking forward to this. After I got home from the meeting today, I packed my stuff, jammed some food in my mouth, and came straight here. It's amazing how good I've gotten at packing up my life in one hour - a sign that I've moved way too many times. When I got here, I let the dogs out, unloaded my car, and celebrated my first of 32 nights in this beautiful place by jumping in the hot tub on the deck. Nude. Ah, nothing like a crisp breeze on bare, wet skin. I sat there for about 35 minutes, absorbing the stars through the leaves on the trees, grooving to a new age cd that played over the outdoor speakers. The neighbors were even setting off fireworks - tiny puffs of color breaking up the black, black sky. What a welcome. I haven't had a day off in well over a month and I don't see one approaching soon but I'll tell ya, being out there tonight melted hours and hours of work off my bones. I could have stayed there all night, but raisinettes don't function so well, from what I'd gather. I walked away with some pretty nasty mosquito bites, but it was well worth it.

Ah well that's it, I guess. It's 11:20 and, instead of being tired, I'm hungry. I think I'm going to have an egg salad sandwitch and some strawberries. Maybe I'll pop Margaret Cho into the VCR and get a few laughs before bed. I dig her humor.

As a closing note, I find the lightness of this entry really interesting. Usually, my journal writing is pretty intense, regardless of whether I'm discussing good or bad news. Hum. Guess it was just a good day and, after working gazillions of hours and being my typical analytical self all the while, I deserved a break tonight. Maybe the hot tub mellowed me out - numbed my brain a bit. Maybe that's a good thing lol I feel totally rejuvenated.


...Like I said - Moving on...

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